Know how to end Your Ineffective Slides with PDS

Let’s delve into the importance of knowing how to effectively conclude your slides. Recently, while preparing a lecture on “How to Create a Compelling PowerPoint Presentation for Company Financing,” I decided to search for examples of ineffective slides that I could improve with better graphics and messaging. Little did I know just how many poor presentations were out there when I searched for ‘.ppt’ on Google. The majority of slide presentations were so cluttered and disorganized that it was nearly impossible to decipher their intended message. It’s high time we put an end to this. Anyone can create a powerful PowerPoint presentation with a little effort and a basic understanding of visual impact. Here are the key elements:

Know Your Objective

What do you want to achieve with your PowerPoint presentation design services? More importantly, what do you want your audience to do once you’ve reached the final slide? Take note of your objective and periodically review it as you prepare your presentation to ensure that you stay on track.

Understand the Format

Are you delivering a ten-minute pitch or a four-hour seminar? If it’s a ten-minute pitch, your slides will need to contain concise text. On the other hand, if it’s a four-hour seminar, slides with minimal text will be more suitable for your audience.

Utilize Core Graphic Design Techniques in Your Presentation Design Services

The following are some simple yet effective practices to make your slides highly readable and impactful:


Choose a color scheme and stick with it. Select a few colors from your logo or website that complement each other and use them consistently throughout your animations. Avoid using excessively bright red as it can be harsh on the eyes.


Opt for san-serif fonts (fonts without small lines at the top and bottom) as they are easier to read, especially for shorter amounts of text. Use a single, simple font throughout your entire presentation. Vary the font sizes and weights only for emphasis in your presentation design services. When changing font size, ensure that it significantly differs from the other fonts on the slide. Using a mix of 20pt and 22pt fonts, for example, will only create visual clutter.


Align graphs, charts, and text neatly with other elements on the slide. Your PowerPoint slides will appear clean and instantly become more readable.


Choose one focal point for each slide. Ensure that your audience knows what you want to emphasize simply by looking at the slide. Consider using a contrasting color or a larger font size for that particular section.


Every slide should have a clear and concise message. Why not make that message the slide’s title? By doing so, your viewers will immediately grasp the key takeaway of your PowerPoint presentation design services.


Eliminate anything on the slide that is not directly relevant, such as excessive words or unnecessary graphics. Avoid using complete sentences on a PowerPoint slide. Embrace white space and don’t be afraid of it. A slide with ample white space is an invitation to breathe and absorb the content of your PowerPoint presentation.

By mastering these techniques, you can bid farewell to ugly and ineffective slides. Remember, a well-designed PowerPoint presentation is not only visually appealing but also helps deliver your message effectively, capturing the attention and engagement of your audience. So, let’s say goodbye to cluttered slides and embrace clean, impactful design in our presentation redesign services.